Past event: Cultural and Linguistic Advancement for Mission Success Conference

Enhancing Language, Regional, and Cultural Capabilities Across Whole of Government for an Effective COIN Strategy

During the past decade, Linguistic and Cultural Programs have sprung up across the DoD in an effort to train deploying personnel to successfully communicate with civilians and insurgents alike through an advanced understanding of their language and knowledge of cultural and political proclivities.  Language, Regional and Cultural expertise are still considered more of a capability than a requirement, despite their prominent role in special operations efforts to stabilize fledgling governments during reconstruction and counterinsurgency efforts.

This conference will afford the opportunity for attendees to learn about efforts being taken to increase the prominence of these critical skills in military training programs, create a unified LRC strategy across the DoD, develop a strategy for utilizing cultural and linguistic expertise to overcome insurgency, and obtain the resources necessary to solidify this expertise in a long-term governmental knowledge bank.

Key conference topics

  • Hear about efforts being made to define language and culture as a training requirement
  • Set the framework for a government-wide linguistic and cultural database
  • Provide a comprehensive cultural education based on current and anticipated global instability
  • Improve stability operations through a greater understanding of the enemy psyche
  • Develop a greater understanding of how attention to language and culture can overcome insurgency


"Revamping the Military Education System to Reflect an Increased Focus on Developing Linguistic and Cultural Skills"
Taming Political and Battlefield Tensions Through a Comprehensive Grasp of Language and Culture

Conference speakers

  • Lieutenant Colonel David Walton, Department Chair, Directorate of Regional Studies and Education, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
  • Lieutenant Colonel D. Scott Mann, VSO Coordinator, USSOCOM
  • Dr. Dan Henk, Director, Air Force Culture and Language Center
  • Dr. Alenka Brown, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University
  • Dr, Donald Fischer Jr., Provost, Defense Language Institute
  • Dr. Richard Brecht, Founding Executive Director, University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL)
  • Dr. Kathleen Evans-Romaine, Director, Critical Languages Institute
  • Dr. Brian R. Selmeski, AD-25, DAF, Panel Manager Air Force Region/Culture Action Panel, Air Force Culture and Language Center
  • Dr. Emily Spencer, CANSOFCOM Professional Development Center
  • David T. Ott, Director, Army Culture & Foreign Language, US Army TRADOC
  • Karl Prinslow, Cultural Knowlledge Consortium, US Army
  • Lee Johnson, Director, US Navy Foreign Language Office
  • Errol Smith, Program Manager, Foreign Land Requirements and Communications, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • Jolynn Shoemaker, Director, Women in International Security (WIIS), Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
  • Sharon Pickup, Director, Defense Capabilities and Management, Government Accountability Office
  • BJ Barger, Air Force Senior Language Authority, AF/A1DG
  • Marilyn Willis-Grider, Ed.D., Deputy Director, TRADOC Culture Center
  • Kristen Cordell, Advocate, Refugees International
  • Sahana Dharmapuri, Fellow, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard University

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Who should attend the conference

We invite senior DoD, Department of State leaders, and other government officials and executives with responsibilities in:

  • Foreign Language
  • Cultural Training
  • Cultural Studies
  • Intelligence
  • ISR
  • Communications
  • Acquisition / Procurement
  • Special Operations
  • Civil Military Operations
  • Foreign Affairs
Event details
Organizer : Marcus Evans Defense
Event type : Conference
Reference : ASDE-1783