Conducting a Behavioral Health Risk Assessment Webinar

Duration: 60 Minutes

There are some unique challenges to identifying the most significant compliance risks in the delivery of behavioral health services.

This presentation will address both the risk assessment process and the specific risk areas associated with behavioral health.

Why you should Attend:

The inability to identify the most significant compliance related risks in behavioral health programs can exposes the organization and its governing body to the potential for significant monetary penalties or legal liability.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • The Risk Assessment Process
    • Definitions
    • Scope
    • Risk Categories
    • Conducting the Assessment
  • Identifying Behavioral Health Compliance Risks
    • Fee-for-service vs. capitation
    • Governing Body Risks
    • HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2
    • Other Risk Areas

Who Will Benefit:

  • Behavioral Health Compliance and Privacy Officers

Speaker Profile

Tim Timmons Following 25 years as a hospital financial manager and administrator, Tim has spent the past eighteen years assisting behavioral health organizations, hospitals, physician practices and home health agencies with the implementation of ethics and compliance programs. The initial emphasis of these programs was Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse, but they have since been expanded to address the implementation of CCO and other contractual obligations, NCQA standards, the HIPAA Privacy and Security standards, confidentiality requirements associated with substance abuse treatment, and many other statutes and regulations.

He has presented on compliance related topics at national conferences sponsored by the National Council for Behavioral Health, the Health Care Compliance Association, the Healthcare Financial Management Association, the HIPAA Summit and numerous other organizations. He is a Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional, a Certified HIPAA Professional, a Certified HIPAA Security Specialist and is Certified in Healthcare Privacy Compliance. He currently serves as the corporate integrity officer of GOBHI.