Past event: UAV Technology USA 2025 Conference

The Leading Conference in Exploring the Evolution of U.S. and International UAV Programs and Capabilities

We are delighted to announce the 4th annual UAV Technology USA conference, taking place in Arlington, VA on February 3-4, 2025.

UAV Technology USA will return as the leading conference in the US dedicated to unmanned aerial systems and their evolving role in modern warfare.

Attracting leading speakers and experts from all branches of the US military, as well as from international allies, and key industry partners this conference will be the place to meet, exchange information and gain access to the latest UAV technological solutions.

UAV Technology USA will strive to enhance the learning and development of UAV Program managers and experts through a series of briefings and panel discussion. You will gain genuine insight and learning through the expertly selected participants who deliver briefings, ensuring the latest developments from all parts of the community (industry and military) are covered in great detail.

Key Reasons to Attend the Conference:

  • Listen to keynote briefs from Aviation Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate, PEO Aviation, 25th Attack Group and the MQ-9 Operations Branch, US SOCOM and PMA-262, USN.
  • Hear from key Five Eyes Representatives from the UK, Canada and Australia as well as other leading international allies including Ukraine.
  • Hear about the latest developments of the MQ-25 and MQ-9 from operational users and on upgrade programmes for the platforms.
  • Discover the latest communication technology to optimise tactical and strategic UAS in our dedicated exhibition space.

What's new for UAV USA 2025?

  • A dedicated Naval UAS session focused on industry advancements in developmental capabilities, exemplified by the Fourth Fleet's role in the Navy's Hybrid Fleet Concept and future innovations.
  • Specialised SOF sessions highlighting the evolution of UAS for Special Operations Forces, covering current capabilities, future investments, technical challenges, and system integration, with emphasis on SOF FPV drones and broader DoD applications.
  • Lessons from the Russian war in Ukraine, emphasizing UAS effectiveness, combat threats, and future requirements.

Featured Speakers

  • President Andrew Armacost, President, University Of North Dakota
  • Colonel Danielle Medaglia, Project Manager, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Project Office, Program Executive Office, Aviation, US Army
  • Colonel Josh Ruisanchez, Director, Aviation Capabilities and Integration Directorate, US Army
  • Colonel Ryan Slaughter, Combat Air Force Capability Development Team Division Chief, USAF
  • Colonel Pavlo Khazan, Deputy Head of the Electronic Support Department of the General Directorate of Electronic and Cyber Warfare of the General Staff, Armed Forces of Ukraine, Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Captain Dennis Monagle, Program Manager Multi-Mission Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems UAS, Air Systems Command, US Navy
  • Captain N (ret) Ted Venable, UAS SME, US Fourth Fleet, US Navy
  • Lieutenant Colonel Michael Brabner, Robotics Requirements Division / Air Branch Chief, MCDID AFC, US Army
  • Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Anthony, Deputy Chief, MQ-9 Operations Branch, ACC/A3MQ, USAF
  • Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Hill, Deputy Commander, 25th Attack Group, USAF
  • Wing Commander Keirin Joyce, Deputy Director RPAS, Royal Australian Air Force
  • Commander Jae Kim, PMA-262 Production IPTL, US Navy
  • Major Joshua McMillion, Project Officer Robotics, US SOCOM
  • Major Jeremy Warfield, Chief of sUAS Requirements, HQ AFSOC, USAF
  • Major Jeff Roulston, Deputy Project Director, RCAF RPAS Project, Royal Canadian Air Force
  • Major Aaron Aguilar, Director of Operations / OT&E Pilot, 556 Test and Evaluation Squadron (TES), USAF
  • Dr Mike Kweon, VICTOR ERP Program Manager, Army Research Directorate DEVCOM ARL, US Army
  • Mr Benjamin Tran, Chief, ISR-SOF Capabilities Development Office CDO, USAF
  • Mr Anthony Susainathan, Chief Engineer, High Altitude ISR Division, US Air Force

Please fill in your name and email to receive the Conference Agenda of this event.


Hilton Arlington
950 North Stafford Street, 22203
Arlington, VA, USA

Event details
Organizer : SAE Media Group
Event type : Conference
Reference : ASDE-25195