The World's Leading Conference Dedicated to Soldier Modernisation
Building on the enormous success of its previous ten annual meetings,
Future Soldier Technology 2025 will be an excellent international gathering of senior officers and programme managers who are seeking to enhance their programmes. Additionally, this forum offers an excellent platform for programme managers within the military to interface with senior experts from within the defence industry.
Future Soldier Technology 2025 will return to London larger than ever to discuss Soldier Modernisation Programmes, and how these projects are driving infantry capabilities into the future and making the dismounted soldier more lethal, protected and ready to fight in the challenging conditions of the modern-day battlefield.
Why should you attend?
Future Soldier Technology is the leading event dedicated to dismounted soldier modernisation programmes and priorities
- Listen to keynote briefings from senior UK and NATO and allied dismounted soldier programme managers
- Discover the latest topics for the advancement of soldier technology, including lethality and weaponry, dismounted tactical power, protection and survivability, mobility, integrating robotics and AI, and much more
- Meet and network with the key decision-makers from both military and industry to discuss modernisation and optimisation of the future dismounted soldier and their equipment
Dismounted Situational Awareness Focus Day: 10 March 2025
The conference will feature a dedicated Dismounted Situational Awareness Focus Day with updates from British and NATO allied armed forces discussing the modernisation of dismounted soldier communications and spatial awareness capabilities using existing and emerging next-generation equipment and technologies.
Main Conference: 11-12 March 2025The two-day main conference will cover all other aspects vital to the modernisation of the future soldier. The morning of both days will feature plenary sessions, focusing on international soldier modernisation programme updates and with industry sponsor partners showcasing their solutions to the audience.
The afternoons on both days will split into parallel streams, to focus on more specifically aspects of the dismounted soldier and their equipment.
Featured Speakers
- Anders Palm, Project Manager, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
- Barry Hollow, Lead Project Raven (Soldier Electronic Architecture), SoldierWorks, British Army
- Charlie Carpenter, Chief Engineer, SoldierWorks, British Army
- Colin Argue, Director of Global Business Development, INVISIO
- Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen, Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army
- Colonel Brett Grant, Director Dismounted Combat Program, Platforms Branch, Land Capability Division, Australian Army Headquarters
- Colonel Jacques Bouffard, Director, Studies & Foresight, Draguignan Infantry School, French Army
- Colonel Nicolas Mueller, Head, Defence Procurement Cooperation, Armasuisse
- Colonel Norbert Tóth, Deputy Director, Capability Development Office, Hungarian Defence Forces
- Colonel Paul Cummings, DE&S Dismounted Close Combat DCC Portfolio Leader, DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence
- Colonel Pete Brunton, Assistant Head, Land Environment Tactical CIS, Directorate Programmes, British Army
- Colonel Peter Hofer, Head of Institute - Advanced Officer Training, Theresian Military Academy Austria
- Colonel Vadym Slyusar, Principal Research Fellow, Arms Institute, Ukrainian Armed Forces
- Command Sergeant Niels Moelleskov, Chairman of CCIEP under LCGDSS, Danish Artillery Regiment
- Dave Pheasant, DE&S Future Capability Group, Strategic Command & Air Portfolio Team Leader, DE&S UK MoD
- Dr D. T. Selvam, Scientist G, DRDO – Defence Research Development Organization, Ministry of Defence, Government of India
- Dr Darren Browning, Power Sources Lead, Dstl, UK Ministry of Defence
- Dr Fabio Ibrahim, Research Associate Officer, Helmut Schmidt University - German Bundeswehr University in Hamburg
- Dr Julie Greeves, Research Director, Army Health and Performance Research AHPR, UK Ministry of Defence
- Dr Martin Karlsmo, Scientist, Directed Energy Weapons and Energy, Swedish Defence Research Agency
- Dr Michael Halwachs, Military Expert for Disaster Management Urban Operations Support Cell, Provincial Military Command Burgenland, Austrian Armed Forces
- Dr Robb Wilcox, Chief Research Officer, US Army DEVCOM Soldier Center
- Dr Sebastian Gies, Project Lead Soldier System D-LBO, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw)
- Grant Guy, Business Development, Military Interconnect, Glenair UK Ltd
- James Gavin, Head of the Future Capability Group, DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence
- Jon Russell, Principle Scientist Platform Systems, DSTL, UK MoD
- Jose Collazo-Castillo, Assistant Program Manager, Soldier Tactical Power, US Army
- Klaus Schmitt, Head Batteries Department, Bundeswehr
- Lieutenant Colonel Christian Hasbach, Product Manager, Soldier Maneuver Systems, PM SWAR, PEO Soldier, US Army
- Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Watzenig, Professor, Virtual Vehicle Research, Graz University of Technology
- Lieutenant Colonel Luke Rowbottom, SO1 Soldier Systems, British Army
- Lieutenant Colonel Paul Cooper, Commanding Officer, Army Trials Unit (ATU), British Army
- Lieutenant Colonel Pedro António Marques da Costa, Project Manager, Soldier Systems, Special Operations Troops Centre, Portuguese Army
- Lieutenant General Giovani Moretto, Head of the Future Army Department, Brazilian Army
- Lucy Waldrom, SoldierWorks Human Factors Lead, SoldierWorks, British Army
- Major General Adrian Ciolponea, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO HQ
- Major General Chris Barry CBE, Director Land Warfare, British Army
- Major Hugh Hemsley, Army DCC Lethality Requirements Manager, SoldierWorks
- Major Magnus Hallberg, LCG DSS Chairman, NATO/Swedish Armed Forces
- Major Matti Finnila, Research Officer, Finnish Defence Forces, Research Center
- Major Michael O'Connor, Capability Director Soldier Modernisation Office, New Zealand Defence Force
- Michelle Self, Strategic Portfolio Manager, Project Manager Soldier Survivability PM SSV, PEO Soldier, US Army
- Nils Teschner, Technical Project Officer, OCCAR-EA
- Olivier Grégoire, Business Development for Tactical Interconnect Solutions, Glenair
- Paul Lincoln CB OBE VR, Second Permanent Secretary, UK Ministry of Defence
- Roland Gebhardt, NVC Project Manager, OCCAR-EA
- Sebastian Gies, Project Lead Soldier System D-LBO, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw)
- Senior Captain Roald De Decker, Assistant Chief Weapons, System Manager Weapons and Sensors, Belgian Armed Forces
- Steffen Gondolff, Fuel Cells Officer, Bundeswehr
- Tony White, Land Strategy Director, Ultra PCS
- Wilhelm Sahlen, Scientist, Swedish Defence Research Agency
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