The Premier Meeting Ground for the International Air Defence Community
In an era of rapid technological advances and dynamic geopolitical shifts, the need for robust Air Defence capabilities has never been so evident. Ongoing conflict between RUS/UKR, and more recently in the Middle East, has highlighted the vital role of Air Defenders, and their facilitating platforms. The increasing prevalence of unmanned aerial systems, s-UAS, and loitering munitions and the challenges in detection, tracking, and interception has demonstrated the need for modernised, integrated, and layered air defence systems to respond to tomorrow's threat.
Bringing together the most influential stakeholders from across the air and missile defence community, the 19th Full Spectrum Air Defence (FSAD) Week is returning to Hilton Syon Park, London, UK in June 2025.
As nations invest in enhancing their defensive and offensive capabilities to respond to emerging threats, FSAD Week provides the most valuable annual forum to address the current challenges and priorities for air and missile defence. Covering a range of critical topics, FSAD Week 2025 will examine those relevant to the changing battlefield, highlighting the importance of enhancing international collaboration and interoperability, and solutions that will ensure threats can be quickly and seamlessly eradicated, without cost and time delays. With a focus on the strategic, operational, and tactical levels, this conference will once again help inform and shape the way forward across the entire spectrum of air defence.
What to expect in 2025:
Attendees will have access to FOUR DAYS worth of dedicated content, all under ONE ticket as part of an Air Defence Week
This includes access to focus days delving into Directed Energy Systems and Military Radar
An increased focus on c-UAS / c-sUAS technologies and capabilities.
An increased focus on countering hypersonic missiles, and the importance of Space integration
FSAD Week Focus Days - Directed Energy & Military Radar
As part of the Full Spectrum Air Defence Week, running alongside the main conference are two dedicated focus days providing depth and breadth in the context of fully integrated and layered Air Defence. Tailor your experience by selecting which days you attend, access a wider range of content, and build more connections by attending the focus days.
Directed Energy Systems (23 June) will explore recent advancements in R&D that are pushing technology to the level where fully configured DEW systems are now being designed and tested for imminent deployment, particularly for the use of countering drones.
Military Radar (26 June) will provide a deep technical and focused perspective on the usage and future trends of Military Radar, and their role in the field of Air and Missile Defence, looking specifically at the improvement of, detection, monitoring, and early warning capabilities of radar systems.
FSAD Week 2025 Key Themes:
Accelerating the Integration of Directed Energy Weapons into the Wider System to Counter Emerging Threats
Observations and Lessons Identified from Current Conflicts, and Programme Updates from Key Nations
Developments in Air Defence Capabilities for the Evolving Counter-UAS Mission
Working with Allies and Partners to Maximise Interoperability & Interchangeability
Connecting the Layers with Enhanced C2 Systems, Implementing a 'C2 First' Approach
Current and Future Radar Capabilities for Enhanced Detection, Tracking, and Surveillance
The base tour was excellent, plus the event allowed presentations from countries and discussions about radar and missile integration
The staff at IQPC stood out as they were attentive to all the attendees needs and responded to each question with respect and attention
A great opportunity to meet relevant players in the field of ISR and security affairs
Valuable conference.
Great insight on western IADS capabilities and weaknesses
2025 Conference Chairman
Major General (Ret.) Gary Deakin CBE, Former Chief of Staff, NATO Joint Force Command
Colonel (Ret.) Paul Daniels, Senior Defense Consultant and President, P. Daniels Consulting, FSAD 2025 Co-Chairman
Thomas Withington, Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute, FSAD 2025 Co-Chairman
2025 Confirmed Speakers
Air Marshal Laurent Rataud, Commander of Air Defence and Air Operations, French Air and Space Force / DCI
Major General David Stewart, Director, Joint Counter-sUAS Office (JCO)
Brigadier General Michal Marciniak, Deputy Chief of Armament Agency, Ministry of National Defence, Republic of Poland
Rear Admiral Craig Wood CBE, Deputy Commander, Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO)
Brigadier General Arnt Kuebart, Commander, Ground-Based Forces, Bundeswehr
Colonel Patrick Farrell, Project Manager, Mid-Range Capability Army RCCTO, PEO Missiles & Space
Colonel Johan Jönsson, Commander, Air Defense Regiment, Swedish Armed Forces
Colonel Andrew Konicki, Program Manager, Ground Based Air Defense, PEO Land Systems, US Marine Corps
Colonel Bogdan-Nicolae Istrate, Commander, 1st Surface-to-Air Missile Brigade, Romanian Air Force
Colonel Glenn Henke, Commandant, US Army Air Defence Artillery, Air Defence Artillery Center & School
Colonel Giovanni Chessari, Deputy Director C-Mini/Micro UAS Centre of Excellence, Italian Army
Colonel Jeffrey Hazzard, Director of Plans, Policy, Allied Integration, Joint Function Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense
Colonel Adam Miller, Project Manager and Deputy Director for Directed Energy, US Army RCCTO
Lieutenant Colonel Harald Aamoth, Staff Officer/Force Development GBAD, Norwegian MoD
Maxime Bagnoud, Project Manager, Armasuisse
Group Captain Gary Darby, SRO C-UAS, Head, Joint C-UAS Team, UK MoD
Dr. Cristian Coman, Principal Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Lieutenant Colonel Kim Vogt, Subject Matter Expert Air and Missile Defence, JAPCC
Corry Cox, Director, Research and Technology, US Army SMDC Tech Center
Mr. James Black, Assistant Director, Defence and Security and European Lead, Space, RAND Europe
James Mayes, C-sUAS Experimentation and Test Director, USNORTHCOM
Rüdiger Schmitt, Senior Scientist, French-German Research Institute of Saint Louis (ISL)
Dr Neset Ak?zbek, Senior Scientist for Directed Energy, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Creid Johnson, Divisional Director, ACC/A5X Futures Division, US Air Force
Dr. Jay (Gee) Simmons, Deputy Air & Missile Defense Capability Area Lead, DEVCOM Aviation and Missile Centre, US Army
Captain Tom Chinnery, GBAD Instructor, Royal School of Artillery
Nataliia Kushnerska, COO, BRAVE1
Major Carson Choy, NORAD C-UAS Specialist, North Amerian Aerospace Defence Command, Canadian Air Force
Roy Bookham, Chief Scientist, C-UAS Platforms Division, DSTL
Nicholas A. O'Donoughue, PhD, Senior Engineer, Signal Processing Expert, Rand Corporation
Prof Daniel O'Hagan, Head of the Passive Radar and Anti-Jamming Techniques Department, Fraunhofer FHR
Dr. Cynthia Patterson, Chief of Academics, Joint C-sUAS University, US Army
Martin Suitters, Head of Innovation & Capability, Complex Weapons, UK Defence Solutions Centre
Patrycja Bazylczyk, Program Manager & Research Associate, Missile Defense Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Darrell McFarland, Director, Radar Evaluation Flight, 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
Please fill in your name and email to receive the Concept Agenda of this event.
Hilton London Syon Park Park Road , TW8 8JF Isleworth, London, UK