Live Export Compliance Seminar

Learn the Impact of ITAR, EAR & OFAC Controls on Non-US Companies, Affiliates, and Transactions

May 19-22, 2025- London, United Kingdom

Take the mystery out of U.S. export rules with training specifically for non-U.S. companies.

U.S. export regulations can affect activities of companies outside the United States in ways that often seem confusing and arbitrary. Our training for non-U.S. companies helps new and experienced compliance professionals alike to understand when their activities intersect with U.S. export controls, and how to navigate them.

Our expert instructors have decades of experience working with all U.S. export regimes – including Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Office of Foreign Assets Controls & Embargoes – as they apply to non-U.S. companies and affiliates that use, resell or reexport American products, technologies or services.

Our training seminars are appropriate for all export-related job functions at non-U.S. companies as well as affiliates of U.S. companies located outside the United States.

Who Should Attend?

  • Export Compliance Officers
  • Legal Department
  • Traffic Personnel
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Government Liaisons
  • Trade Logistics Personnel
  • Personnel from overseas companies who deal with U.S.-based companies or that purchase U.S.-origin products, components or technology
  • Subsidiaries, affiliates and parents of U.S. businesses

Why should I attend?

The ability to navigate the relevant regulations is a valuable specialty that offers these benefits to you and your non-U.S. organization:
  • Better understanding of requirements around reselling and reexporting U.S. content
  • Improved navigation of U.S. export laws and documentation
  • Faster identification of requirements for specific products, services and technologies
  • Updated knowledge on changes in the rules that affect you
  • Shortened approval timelines
  • Reduced risk of costly complications that can delay transactions and raise red flags for regulators
  • Enhanced reputation among trading partners
  • Competitive advantage in trade with U.S. entities and around the world
  • Increased supply chain security


ECoP Certification from the World Leader in Export Compliance Training

Get Recognition for Your Export Compliance Expertise and Build Your Professional Credentials

We are renowned as the world leader in U.S. export compliance training programs. With our export compliance seminars, you have always been able to document your participation in our courses - in addition, you can opt to take the Export Compliance Professional (ECoP) certification test (or tests) at course completion to certify your mastery of the concepts.

By taking and passing the certification test(s), you can demonstrate to your employer and colleagues that you have mastered the content and that you have the skills necessary to perform your export compliance duties.

This certification benefits you and your company by:
  • Demonstrating your achievement in the solid knowledge and application know-how of export compliance regulations
  • Providing a systematic framework for a continuing education plan and documentation of your current export regulation mastery
  • Creating less export compliance risk for your company
  • Helping you to move more quickly along your career path and providing evidence of your skills on your résumé

Available Certifications:

  • ECoP EAR (EAR Export Controls) renewal credits = 4
  • ECoP ITAR (ITAR Export Controls) renewal credits = 4


Scott Gearity, President - ECTI, Inc.
Scott Gearity brings nearly 20 years of consulting, training, and corporate export compliance program management experience to bear for his clients.

Mr. Gearity has substantial experience in military, dual-use, and commercial export controls. His clients have ranged in size from small start-ups to some of the world’s largest companies, with a particular focus on the information technology, telecommunications, networking, and software industries.

Mr. Gearity joined ECTI from Microsoft Corporation, where he was based in Ireland and managed the company’s export compliance program for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He continues to advise many non-US companies affected by US export controls.

Mr. Gearity holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in international studies and economics from American University. He is a licensed US customs broker.

Bailey Reichelt – ECTI Lead Instructor, Managing Partner – Aegis Trade Law LLC
Bailey Reichelt is a founding partner at Aegis Trade Law (DBA Aegis Space Law), a boutique firm centered around assisting commercial space companies in navigating the complexities of federal regulations. Her primary focus is designing and implementing cutting-edge international trade compliance programs as well as helping clients to develop effective, long-term regulatory strategies to take them from incorporation to successful mission execution.

Bailey also helped to found and sits on the Board of Directors for the non-profit, Association of Commercial Space Professionals (“ACSP”). ACSP exists to empower current and aspiring space professionals through training and advocacy. As for professional credentials, Bailey maintains licensure in Texas and New Jersey and holds a J.D. She has guest lectured and advised entities ranging from universities to business accelerators on the fundamentals of the ITAR and EAR. Additionally, Bailey has spent time working closely with government agencies, legislators, and industry lobbying groups to promote the growth of commercial spaceflight and regulatory reform across the board.

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ITAR Controls on Non-US Transactions
2-DAY SEMINAR - May 19-20, 2025

Learn the ins and outs of compliance with International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) in a format that is easy to digest.

Key Topics Include:
  • Export Controls Overview
  • Controlled Items & Activities
  • Licenses
  • Agreements and US Government Approval
  • Exemptions & Exclusions
  • Special Issues
  • Compliance Programs
  • Export Control Reform (ECR) & Recent Developments
  • ITAR Export Enforcement

EAR/OFAC Controls on Non-US Transactions
2-DAY SEMINAR - May 21-22, 2025

A hands-on approach to complying with the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), including both export controls and antiboycott regulations, and Treasury Department trade embargoes.

Key Topics Include:
  • Introduction to the Export Administration Regulations
  • EAR Controls
  • Sanctions
  • Compliance Programs
  • Export Control Reform & Recent Events
  • EAR & OFAC Export Enforcement

Daily Schedule:

  • 8:30 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast
  • 9:00 – 12:00 PM Seminar
  • 12:00 PM Lunch
  • 1:00 – 5:00 PM Seminar


Hilton London Kensington
179-199 Holland Park Ave, Kensington, W11 4UL
London, UK


*The cost of accommodation is not included in the seminar tuition.

A limited block of guest rooms at the venue hotel is reserved for seminar participants. Group rate ends April 19, 2025.

Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Book early to ensure availability.

Guest room rate: £209/night Single/Double.
To book your room, call the hotel at +44 20 7603 3355 and mention booking code ECTI group or use the guest room booking link.
Event details
Organizer :ECTI
Event type :Training Course
Attendance :Physical Event
Reference :ASDE-25318

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