Mobile Deployable Communications 2011 Conference

February 28-March 1, 2011 - Prague, Czech Republic

Conference Proceedings

Standard Price

US$ 623.75

US$ 1,871.25

User Details

Mobile Deployable Communications

Returning for its fourth annual installment, SMi's Mobile Deployable Communications event will once again lead the way in providing the latest overview of in-theatre tactical communications, national roadmaps, technology, NATO and ISAF interoperability and industry support.

With the pace of NATO operations in Afghanistan increasing and the challenges becoming more diverse, hear the lessons learned in the field and ensure that your organisation is best placed to support the military on operations. What technology is in use and what new technology is being deployed?

Providing secure and interoperable mobile deployable communications is imperative in achieving greater situational awareness and superior operational capabilities. Attend this event to share experiences, network with the people that matter and maximise your capabilities.

Why should you attend this event?

Attend Mobile Deployable Communications 2011 and:

  • Learn about NATO's steps towards interoperable mobile deployable communications
  • Analyse the latest operational experiences from both NATO and national perspectives
  • Discuss the communications experiences and needs from the perspective of emergency services, charities and first responders
  • Assess the current technology being deployed and what solutions industry are providing for the end user
  • Address the security challenges facing military communications experts in the field
  • Network with key decision makers from the military and industry and assess the latest technology on offer in our exhibition area 

Hear keynote addresses from:

  • Brigadier General Wlodzimierz Nowak, Director of Operations, NATO Communication and Information System Services Agency
  • Brigadier General Gregory L. Brundidge, Director, Command, Control, Communications and Warfighting Integration, US European Command
  • Cihangir Aksit, Director, NATO Standardisation Agency
  • Brigadier General Jeffrey G. Smith, Commanding General, 5th Signal Command, US Army Europe

Our expert speaker line-up also includes:

  • Lieutenant Colonel Michael Delorey, C4ISTAR Branch, NATO Joint Air Power Competence Centre
  • Lieutenant Colonel Guido Koberg, Commanding Officer, 1st NATO Signal Battalion
  • Colonel Teodor Aldea, Information Technology and IT Security Branch Chief,  European Union Military Staff
  • Lieutenant Colonel Andre Poot, C2 Support Centre, Royal Netherlands Army
  • Kai Tang, Director SATCOM Division, PEO C4I, Navy Communications Program Office, US Navy
  • Lieutenant Colonel Josef Kaderka, Associate Professor, CIS Department, University of Defence, Czech Republic
  • Major Guillaume Corriveau, High Assurance Guard, TAV Command, Kandahar Airfield, Canadian Armed Forces
  • Major Aurel Sabó, Deputy Commander, MOKIS Mobile CIS Base, Slovak Armed Forces
  • Andrea Lorelli, Technical Officer, European Telecommunications Standards Institute
  • Martin Jarrold, Chief International Programme Development, Global VSAT Forum
  • Michael Luken, Project Manager, Global Government Solutions Group, Cisco
  • Colonel Teodor Aldea, CIS Division, EU Military Staff

Who should attend?

Industry Profile Includes:

Presidents, CEOs, Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers, Analysts and Officers for:

  • Communication Systems and Tactical Communication Systems
  • Land Systems and Solutions
  • Systems Engineering
  • Strategy
  • Technical Experts
  • Satellite Systems
  • System Architecture and System Design
  • Project and Programme Management
  • Government and Defence Accounts
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Business Development

Military Profile Includes:

Commanders, Branch Chiefs, Directors, Assistant Directors, Staff Officers, Project & Programme Managers, Engineers for:

  • Communications Systems
  • Information Systems
  • Signals Brigades / Battalions
  • Procurement and Acquisition
  • J6
  • CIS
  • Operational Support
  • Research and Development
  • Planning and Development

Satellite & Satellite-Hybrid Communications Networking Capability and Civil-Military Inter-Agency Collaboration
2nd March 2011, Marriott Prague, Prague.


"Again, a very interesting event with lots of contacts"
ND SatCom

"Thank you for coorinating this very interesting conference. Looking forward to the next one"
Irish Defence Forces

"Much better than I expected and very relevant"
Netherlands Ministry of Defence

"This conference provided me with some useful information and proved to be an excellent professional experience"
UK Royal Marines

"Extremely useful and a first class networking opportunity"
NATO Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps



Marriott Prague Hotel
V Celnic 8, Prague, 111 21, Czech Republic
Tel: 420 2 2288 8888
Fax: 420 2 2288 8889

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Event details
Organizer :SAE Media Group
Event type :Conference
Attendance :Physical Event
Reference :ASDE-1268