Pharmaceutical Microbiology 2020 Conference

Discovering Optimised Contamination Control and the Current Regulatory Landscape

January 20-21, 2020 - London, United Kingdom

Conference Proceedings

Standard Price

US$ 616.05

User Details

Pharmaceutical Microbiology as an industry is projected to see significant advancements in the next five years. This forecast is largely attributed to rapid microbiology testing, which has accounted for $3.5 billion last year, while projected to reach nearly double at $6 billion by 2025, and an estimated CAGR of 8.3% leading up to 2025.

At the very core of pharmaceutical microbiology is the accurate and reliable detection of microorganisms that would otherwise contaminate the pharmaceutical products manufactured. This demand for more rapid methods for detection and identification will be accompanied by equally important areas such as: contamination control strategies and environmental monitoring, process automation, and discussing updates to meet regulatory requirements.

Join us this year to explore novel and developing technologies that tackle the most pressing challenges and push innovation in world of pharmaceutical microbiology.

Benefits of Attending

Highlights for 2020
  • Discuss the regulatory expectations and supportive guidance on bio-contamination control and monitoring in aseptic manufacturing of sterile products from PHSS
  • Gain valuable insight from key opinion leaders in a panel discussion on the impact of the Annex 1 revisions on pharmaceutical microbiology
  • Examine the common myths and urban legends in the pharmaceutical industry related to contamination control from STERIS
  • Explore container closure integrity and controls strategies ensuring product sterility from AstraZeneca
  • Revisit the role of the Official Medicines Control Laboratories as the GMP back up from Infarmed IP

Plus Interactive Post-Conference Workshop Day | Wednesday 22nd January 2019

Workshop A: How to Develop a Risk based Approach to Cleaning and Disinfection
Jim Polarine, Senior Technical Service Manager, STERiS Corporation
08.30 - 11.40

Workshop B: Designing an Environmental Monitoring Programme
Ian Symonds, Director/Pharmaceutical Consultant, SDA Pharma
12.40 - 15.40

Workshop C: Rapid Micro Methods, Endotoxin Testing and lER
Felix Alejandro Montero Julian, Scientific Director, bioMerieux
Stefane Schweicher, Business Development Manager Endotoxin NEC, bioMerieux
15.40 - 18.40


  • David Elder, Constultant, David P Elder Consultancy
  • Di Morris, Audit Manager CAGa, Gsk
  • Gabriele Savoldi, Business Development Manager, Copan Group
  • Henrietta Vinneras, Senior Manager, Microbiology & Aseptic Technique, Fresenius Kabi
  • Ian Symonds, Director, Pharmaceutical Consultant, SDA Pharma
  • Ingo Spreitzer, Deputy head Section Microbial safety, Paul Ehrlich Institut
  • James Cannon, Head of OEM and Markets, Mettler-Toledo Thornton
  • James Drinkwater, Chairman of PHSS and Head of GMP Compliance F Ziel GmbH, PHSS
  • Jason McGuire, Vice President, Global Quality, Steriile Services to end
  • Jim Polarine, Technical Service Manager, Steris Corp
  • Luis Meirinhos-Soares, Inspector, Infarmed - Instituto Naciuonal Da Farmacia E Do Medicamento
  • Maria Jose Zafra-Domene, QC Microbiologist, MeiraGTx
  • Michael Song, Sr. Manager, AstraZeneca
  • Olivier Chancel, Sterility Assurance Expert, Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Pratixa Patel, Microbiological Sciences Director, Glaxo Smith Kline
  • Renate Rosengarten, Professor and Chair of Bacteriology and Hygiene, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
  • Shabnam Solati, CEO & Co-Founder, CTL-MAT
  • Sonia Allibardi, Market Access Manager, Copan Group
  • Sophie Drinkwater, QC Technical Officer, AstraZeneca
  • Sylvanie Cassard Guilloux, Global solution Manager, BioMerieux
  • Tim Eaton, Sterile Manufacturing Specialist, AstraZeneca
  • Veronika Wills, Manager, Technical Services, Associates of Cape Cod

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Copthorne Tara Hotel
Scarsdale Pl, Kensington, W8 5SY
London, UK

Event details
Organizer :SAE Media Group
Event type :Conference
Attendance :Physical Event
Reference :ASDE-21697