The 5th Annual
Military Aviation & Air Dominance Summit will convene senior level experts from across the DoD, Acquisition Authorities, Industry, Academia, & other critical partners for a Joint Service discussion revolving around strategic initiatives towards facilitating air lethality through technological advancements and modernization efforts. The 2023 Summit will discuss how the Military services, in partnership with industry, are enhancing the lethality and survivability of
military aviation platforms to achieve
air dominance for the future fight.
Topics to be Covered at the 2023 Summit:
- Integrating indispensable Army Aviation capabilities & requirements to be decisive in land warfare
- Advancing sixth-generation air superiority through the development of a technologically advanced force
- Facilitating Army Aviation vertical lift dominance through the development of critical combat systems
- Modernizing the Army through the timely development and delivery of capabilities necessary for aviation dominance
- Accelerating cost-effective modernization to deliver innovative capabilities to the Warfighter & ensure air dominance against the adversary
- Providing cutting edge advantages to the MAGTF through lethal, agile, and sustainable aviation capabilities
- Delivering capable, affordable, and available air systems to the Warfighter
- Acquiring enhanced capabilities for Naval Aviation dominance
- Facilitating Future Vertical Lift through FLRAA and FARA
Why You Should Attend This Summit:
The Military Services are working to develop new aircraft and upgrade existing aviation systems with advanced technologies as part of their plan to achieve
air dominance by 2030. For FY23, the U.S. Army requested $1.5B for its future Vertical Lift Portfolio. It includes $468.7M for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA), and $693.6M for the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA), and over $300M for the Future Tactical UAS program. The Air Force requested almost $1.7B for its Next Generation
Air Dominance (NGAD) program, including $133M for RDT&E funding. The 5th Annual
Military Aviation & Air Dominance Summit will convene senior level experts from across the DoD, Acquisition Authorities, Industry, & Academia for a Joint Service discussion centered around strategic initiatives towards facilitating air lethality through technological advancements and modernization efforts. The 2023 Summit will discuss how the Military services, in partnership with industry, are enhancing the lethality and survivability of
military aviation platforms to achieve
air dominance for the future fight.
This Summit will explore progress made in the Army Future Vertical Lift portfolio, specifically the FARA and FLRAA aircraft, the modernization of aviation platforms and systems, the timely and affordable acquisition of sustainable and lethal aviation capabilities, AF next-generation aviation capabilities as part of NGAD, and the development of advanced technologies such as AI/ML. The 2023 Summit will also feature a panel that will examine the transformation of the defense and aerospace industry using digital engineering. Specifically, panelists will speak on the use of digital engineering to advance aircraft system design and production as well as the greater efficiency and improved quality of all aviation acquisition activities. Attendees at this event will have the unique opportunity to discuss the current and future strategies designed toward modernizing aviation platforms and systems to better compete amid a dynamic threat landscape.
our team specializes in the extensive research and development of our Summits' content and focus areas, and we will assemble the most respected minds in the
military aviation community, to include key acquisition authorities & policymakers across the military commands.
Exhibit and Sponsorship Information:
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at the
2023 Aviation & Air Dominance Summit are now available.
Contact us for sponsorship information