Past event: Military Robotics and Autonomous Systems USA Conference

Developing Innovative Robotic Capabilities to Ensure Future Operational Effectiveness and Advantage

We are proud to announce the 3rdannual Military Robotics and Autonomous Systems USA conference on the 10th & 11th July 2023.

With the continuing advances in robotic capabilities and the increasing threat of near-peer adversary technology the US DoD is continuing to invest heavily in land robotics of all sizes to increase Warfighter lethality and remove the soldier from dangerous situations.

MRAS USA 2023 is the only US-based event specifically dedicated to military robotics in the land environment. It will bring together the leading US and international program managers, robotics experts and industry to discuss the rapidly expanding role of military robots within the modern battlespace. As new opportunities and challenges emerge in this rapidly changing area, the conference enables the military robotics community to work collaboratively to forge ahead and deliver the very best unmanned capabilities to soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.

As well as bringing together the US ground robotics community, the conference will gather in some of the most dynamic and innovative international militaries to provide their unique perspectives; no other event in the USA offers the same number of opportunities to meet, discuss and network with opposite numbers from allied nations.

Benefits of Attending

Military Robotics and Autonomous Systems USA 2023 is the only opportunity of its kind to meet world-leading experts in the field of autonomous and robotic systems and innovation. Attend the two-day conference and benefit from insights delivered by program managers, researchers, academics, technical industry experts and senior military figures from the USA and abroad.
  • With contributions from a wide-range of US ground robotics teams and strategic leaders, receive unparalleled insight and access to the US military's ground robotics research and overall strategy
  • Meet and discuss with leaders in military robotics from industry, military and government during dedicated networking sessions
  • Hear from a selection of international partner nations, and gain valuable lessons from parallel allied programs
  • Discover cutting-edge ground robotics technology to enhance operational effectiveness and explore opportunities for greater coalition interoperability.


  • Colonel Danielle Medaglia, Project Manager for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, PEO Aviation
  • Dr Chad Kessens, Senior Robotic Research Scientist, US DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
  • Dr John Fossececa, Program Manager for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Maneuver & Mobility, DEVCOM Army Research Lab
  • Dr Kimberly Sablon, Principal Director for Trusted AI and Autonomy, Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
  • Dr Robert Sadowski, Army Chief Roboticist, Ground Vehicle Systems Center, AFC Combat Capabilities Development Center
  • Lieutenant Colonel Rachael Ayoub, Centre of Land Autonomy Lead, RICO, Australian Army
  • Lieutenant Colonel Sjoerd Mevissen, Commander of Robotics and Autonomous Systems Unit, Royal Netherlands Army
  • Lieutenant Colonel William Taylor, Executive Officer to DASA PPR, SAAL-ZR, ASA(ALT)
  • Mr Ben McAndrew, Human Machine Teaming HMT Programme Lead, Research and Experimentation, British Army
  • Mr Frank Marotta, Senior Mathematician, US Army Aberdeen Test Center
  • Mr Gavin Kenneally, Co-Founder & CEO, Ghost Robotics
  • Mr Guy C. Enderle, Director of Operations, US, Milrem Robotics
  • Mr Jim P. Allen, Technical Director, Operational Science and Engineering, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Lab (ERDC-CERL)
  • Mr Marshal Childers, Mechanical Engineer, Military Information Experimentation Branch, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
  • Mr Michael T. McCarthy, Deputy Director/ Chief of Staff, Close Combat Lethality Task Force (CCLTF)
  • Mr Mike Mays, Robotics Integration Team Lead, US Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center
  • Mr Preston Young, Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle OMFV Product Manager, Advanced Capabilities, PM Maneuver Combat Systems PM MCS, PEO Ground Combat Systems
  • Mr Stuart Hatfield, Robotics Branch Chief, US Army
  • Mr Tim Dykstra, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Boston Dynamics
  • Ms Verena Jackson, Legal Advisor, Researcher & Lecturer, Center for Intelligence & Security Studies (CISS), University of the Armed Forces of Germany

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Hilton Arlington Towers
950 North Stafford Street,
Arlington, Virginia, USA

Event details
Organizer : SAE Media Group
Event type : Conference
Reference : ASDE-24226