The world's premier meeting ground for the Armoured Vehicles community
The largest dedicated conference of its type,
IAVs annually brings together 750+ defence and industry leaders, with a military cohort comprising force and operational commanders, acquisition officials, requirement-setters, capability development experts, and technology leader from within both the Army and Defence Science and Technology Community.
Annually attracting 1000 delegates from over 40 nations, conference attendance spans the full armoured vehicles ecosystem. From military and government leadership to senior industry solution providers drawn from both the major vehicles OEMS and the supply chain involved in producing the state-of-the-art technologies integrated into the vehicles of the future. An important cross-section to gather and address the question: "how will we fight in the future?"
At a time when many in defence are spread thin and working overtime, we are commited to ensuring that time at
IAVC2024 is time well spent. In addition to the plenary presentations, 7 focussed panel discussions, 4 themed conference streams, and the day dedicated to uncrewed systems, the 2024 conference features 16 workshop and specialist sessions. These allow you to select topics that match your professional interests and allows us to provide the time, space, and the specialist required to do them justice.
These topics, include:
- The UK's Land Industrial Strategy (LIS)
- Assured Position Navigation and Timing (aPNT)
- Deployed application of Additive Manufacturing (AdM)
- Counter s-UAS for armoured units (s-UAS)
- The UK's Land Mobility Programme (LMP)
- Accelerating the adoption of Hybrid Electric Drive (HED)
- The Future of Active Protection Systems (APS)
Event Statistics
- 70+ Speakers
- 40+ Nations
- 150+ Industry Organisations
- 950+ Attendees
About International Armoured Vehicles
The annual
International Armoured Vehicles Conference (IAVs) has gained a reputation as the world's premier international meeting ground for all elements of the armoured community. IAVs has established itself among the world's Armies, Marine Corps, procurement officials, and industry representatives as the unbiased quality forum to focus solely upon land vehicles and force protection.
Since the first in 2001, we've seen the rapid evolution of land power doctrine and technology. 2001 was the start of an extended period of counter-insurgency and counter-terror fighting, leading to the rapid acquisition of armoured vehicles, innovation in counter-IED technology and the proliferation of unmanned aerial systems. Now, we see the emergence of multi-domain concepts of operation, a reorientation towards high-end peer conflict and the aggressive pursuit of disruptive technologies in AI and Robotics, which are sure to revolutionise and re-energise debate within the land forces community - not least, the armoured vehicles market.
Over the years the conference has helped contribute to the debate around many timely subjects over the years; charting trends in armoured vehicles, from the rise of the MRAP to the more recent increase in demand for 6x6 and 8x8 wheeled vehicles.
Whether you are a military practitioner, acquisition staffer, decision maker, programme manager, technical expert, industrial supplier or strategic leader, I believe you will all benefit considerably from attending
IAVs and look forward to welcoming you to Twickenham early next year.
Why People Attend IAVs:
- To develop and share their organisation's capability, knowledge and project management expertise at the world's largest annual International gathering of armoured mobility experts
- To engage with their customers, targeted prospective partners, and supply chains to solve common challenges and accelerate modernisation and development agendas
- To explore the future threat environment and participate in unbiased debate and discussion with the armour community's thought leaders, policy makers and innovators
The conference provides the perfect opportunity for the
international armoured vehicle community to share thoughts, develop relationships and explore collaboration. This has always been important, but has been brought back in to sharp focus as a result of the war in Ukraine.
Lieutenant General Sharon Nesmith, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, British Army, 2023 Speaker