Past event: Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe Conference 2024

Central and Eastern Europe's Most Focused Armoured Vehicles Meeting

We are delighted to announce that the Future Armoured Vehicles Central & Eastern Europe will return to Prague for its 10th year between the 13 - 14 May 2024.

The Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe conference is the premier meeting for armoured vehicle programme managers and military commanders from within the Central and Eastern European region.

In response to the ever-increasing digitalisation of the modern battlefield, and the emergence of new near-peer adversaries, there is a continuing requirement for the modernisation of armoured vehicle systems across the region.

A world class event focused on military vehicles based in Europe, assisting with the continued learning and development of armoured vehicle programme managers and practitioners through briefings, panel sessions and focused discussion groups.

Here's why you can't miss this event:

Unlike the rest of the Future Armoured Vehicles portfolio, Future Armoured Vehicles Central & Eastern Europe conference focusses on all aspects of armoured vehicle development, including situational awareness, weapons systems or lethality, and armoured protection or survivability.

Key focusses include standards of interoperability for armoured systems with NATO allies, training and operational standards for armoured units, the sustainment of armoured vehicle fleets and modernisation/procurement plans for future armoured vehicle fleets.

Who should attend

National militaries:
  • Military survivability specialists
  • Military Land Forces
  • Businesses looking to break into the regional market
  • Established players in the regional market
  • Developers and innovators in military technology
Transnational/Continental/Euro-Atlantic organisations/bodies:
  • To sell their products, create capital and acquire more business, updates on the direction of the market, and MOST IMPORTANTLY meet the relevant people from countries seeking to enhance their capabilities.

Featured Speakers

  • Brigadier General Gabor Lorincz, Commander, Land Forces Command, Hungarian Defence Forces
  • Brigadier General Jaroslaw Gorowski, Deputy Army Inspector, Head of Armoured and Mechanised Troops Directorate, Polish Armed Forces
  • Brigadier General Stefan Lampl, Commander, Austrian Defence Logistics School, Austrian Armed Forces
  • Captain Jakub Murcek, Head Senior Officer, Land Forces Development Unit, Modernization Department, Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic
  • Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs, Former Director Foreign Activities Directorate, General Staff, Czech Army, Former Czech Armed Forces
  • Colonel Brian Hoffman, Director of Operations, G-3/5/7, V Corps, US Army
  • Colonel David Franta, Chief of the Mechanized Infantry Development Section, Force Development Division, General Staff, Army of the Czech Republic
  • Colonel Pete Cowell, Senior Army Advisor, UK Defence Security & Exports
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) Mikael Segerman, Sales Director, BAE Systems Hägglunds
  • Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou, Land Systems Export Programs Manager, DGA, French Ministry of Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe, UK Boxer Capability Cooperation, DE&S, UK MoD
  • Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke, Authorized Army Representative for MRAV BOXER, ACCDC, Bundeswehr
  • Lieutenant Colonel Radovan Bango, Section Head CIS Programme Capabilities Section, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro, Force Development Section Head, Force Development Section Head, Italian Army General Staff
  • Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar, MBT Project Supervisor, Armaments Acquisition Division, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
  • Mr César Pousa, Senior Project Officer, Land Combat Vehicles - Tactical Land Systems, Air & Land Combat Systems, NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)
  • Mr Dan Kalfus, Managing Director & Co-Founder, EuroTrophy GmbH
  • Mr Ivar Janson, Strategic Category Manager for Armoured Vehicles, Estonian Centre for Defence Investments
  • Mr Mario Blokken, Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation
  • Mr Peter Seger, ILS Section Lead, BOXER Programme, OCCAR-EA
  • Mr Raul Rikk, Capability Development Director, Milrem Robotics
  • Mr Riccardo Ricci, Electronics Division, Leonardo
  • Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa, Program Manager Main Battle Tank Systems, SSB
  • Senior Representative, Hungarian Defence Forces Command

Please fill in your name and email to receive the Conference Agenda of this event.


Vienna House Andel's Prague
Stroupeznickeho 21, 15000
Prague, Czech Republic

Room Booking Link
Event details
Organizer : SAE Media Group
Event type : Conference
Reference : ASDE-24735