North America’s Only Conference Dedicated to Dismounted Soldier and Marine Equipment Modernization
Future Soldier Technology USA is the only dedicated conference of its kind in North America and will bring a unique focus to the future of soldier systems. The conference will discuss in detail soldier lethality, power management systems, mobility, sustainability and survivability. It will give you the opportunity to have your say, be part of the future, hear from industry experts as well as engage and network with senior program leaders and solution providers. Additionally, as soldiers and marines are increasingly integrated into an array of sensors and battlespace management systems, dismounted situational awareness is becoming a key area of overmatch capability.
You will leave with a detailed and exclusive understanding into the latest technology that will be used worldwide amongst soldiers and international countries.
This expert-led conference will offer hours of dedicated networking time providing an unmatched forum for government, military, and industry to discuss soldier technology
Featured Speakers
Anders Palm, Project Manager, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
Christopher Woodburn, Deputy, Maneuver Branch, Marine Corps Systems Command
Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen, Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army
Colonel Aaron E. Morrison, Director, Soldier Requirements Division, Maneuver Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate
Colonel Charles Anklam III, Director, Wargaming Division, Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory / Futures Directorate
Colonel Denny D. Dresch, Program Manager, IVAS, PM Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier
Colonel James A. Tony Lindh II, Project Manager, Soldier Survivability, PEO Soldier, US Army
Colonel Pete Brunton, Programme Manager, Land Environment Tactical CIS LETacCIS and Assistant Head, Information Systems, Directorate Programmes, British Army
David K Hansen, Former PM GCSS, US Marine Corps Systems Command and SES, US Customs and Border Protection and Vice President for Homeland Defense and Business Systems, Cypress International
Dennis Teefy, Project Manager Tactical Radios, PEO C3N