The 10th Annual
Military Tactical Communications Summit will bring together senior level experts from across the services to discuss the modernization and convergence of tactical communications and mission command capabilities across the joint force. This year's Summit will aim to advance the speed, accuracy, and resiliency of current and future tactical communication abilities for the expeditionary warfighter.
Current Health and Safety ProtocolsTopics to be covered at the 2021 Summit:
- Enabling the Capacity of a Resilient Joint All-Domain Network to Achieve Operational Overmatch
- Integrating ABMS to Enable Communication Resiliency and Decision Superiority for the Air Force and Joint Force
- Bolstering DoD Modernization to Ensure U.S. Military Command, Control, and Communications Superiority
- Fielding C3I Capabilities to Enable Mission Success Across the MAGTF
- ACC Goal: Delivering Resilient, Secure Communications in Contested Environments Across the Spectrum of Conflict
- From Concept to Reality: Advancing Capability Sets to Deliver the Army's Modernized Tactical Network
Why You Should Attend This Summit:
The 2021
Military Tactical Communications Summit will focus on accelerating the development, acquisition, and implementation of advanced communications technologies, policies, and solutions to ensure the U.S. military maintains an information and operational advantage over any adversary in any environment. For 2021, the Pentagon designated $11.9 billion, a 17% increase from last year, to network warfare systems to improve battlefield communications. Signaling the growing importance of accelerating tactical communications technologies, this is the 6th consecutive budget cycle in which the Pentagon has requested increased funding for command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence systems (C4I). This year's event will bring together speakers from the military, DoD, and academia to discuss how to continually modernize and converge tactical communication capabilities to enhance connectivity, decision-making, and situational awareness for the Warfighter in multi-domain operations.
As enemies rapidly achieve advances in networks and communications, cyber threats, electronic interference, and C4I, the future of warfare turns digital. With this, the U.S. military is turning toward a joint information environment to enable more secure, rapid information sharing across domains. This event will provide updates to current research and developments initiatives, such as modernizing and applying 5G, AI, satellite communications, and handheld radios, to increase the Warfighter's ability to communicate in combat. Distinguished speakers at this year's event will highlight new technologies, policies, and acquisition priorities as well as the growing importance placed upon the joint warfighting effort to enhance communications functions to bring better organization and security to command and control. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to discuss their perspectives on this effort and ask questions to key decision makers, policy advisors, and implementers.
Our team specializes in the extensive research and development of our Summits' content and focus areas, and we will assemble the most respected minds in networking and communications technology as well as key policy makers across military and civilian offices. Our non-partisan approach allows us to reach across all services and organizations to bring together a truly holistic group of decision makers and solution providers.
Exhibit and Sponsorship Information:
Military Tactical Communications Summit provides opportunities including exhibit space, round table discussions, product demonstrations, and networking receptions.
Download the Sponsorship and Exhibiting Prospectus Here.
2021 Confirmed Speakers:
- Kevin Mulvihill, SES, Principal Director to the Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, and Communications, Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
- Dr. Michael Zatman, SES, Assistant Director for FNC3, OUSD R&E
- COL Osvaldo Ortiz, USA, Division Chief, Mission Command Support Element, Army G6
- COL Greg Napoli, USA, Unified Network Lead, Network Cross Functional Team
- Col Jeff Mrazik, USAF, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy, Integration and Requirements, HQAF
- Matthew Maier, Project Manager, Interoperability, Integration and Services, US Army PEO-C3T
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